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Thread: Classipress and discount coupons plugin problem

  1. #1
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    Guest John101's Avatar

    Classipress and discount coupons plugin problem

    I was planning to buy classipress but came to know from my developer that there is always a problem with Coupons plugin and the support from the plugin developer is minimal and quite delayed. Discount coupons are essential part of my online business. Can you suggest any other coupon plugin that works with classipress OR if you could let me know the status of current coupons plugin.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Are you referring to the AppThemes coupons plugin? It would be useful to have more information about what these ongoing problems are that are mentioned so I can follow up specifically as I'm not aware of anything. We don't have another coupon plugin available for our themes outside of that (and the actual Clipper coupon theme). Thanks.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest John101's Avatar
    My developer says it applies incorrect discount amount and there is already some thread open in the Apptheme coupons forum regarding it but there is no solution to it yet.
    Could you verify pls.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    There is an issue posted in a thread being investigated by our team relating to decimal places, however previous issues appear to have been resolved in the previous developer build. If your developer has purchased the theme from us, then they will be able to log into the forums and view updates on these issues. In terms of you asking now if there are any known issues, I only see the one mentioned being looked at right now. Thanks.

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