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Thread: Classipress features questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Classipress features questions

    Hi, I am interested in the ClassiPress theme and have some questions about it, if you can help with these that would be great:

    1. How often are updates made to the theme generally?
    2. It says you are planning a Mobile version, when is the planned release for that? Will that theme be fully responsive?

    3. In the ad-listings page (ex: ‘Listings for Auto’):
    a) Can the boxes/rectangles around each ad and the shading colour be removed, so that it can be just a line separator between ads?
    b) Can the price tag icon be removed?
    c) Can the ad listing be de-texted to show only title and price?

    4. Can users add to a Favorites list, and does this require user sign-in before using, or can it be used without logging-in? Equally, can users also report an Ad as inappropriate/scam?

    5. Is there a social sharing feature for users to share an ad with Facebook, Twitter, Email etc. from the ad page?
    6. Are there plans to add Grid-view and map-view as a core feature?
    7. On the home page: can the feature listings thumbnail size be increased/changed?
    8. Can the process to Post an Ad be modified: can I make it 1 step and can users post without signing in first?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In answer to your questions:

    1. To get an idea of how often releases have been made, you can review the version history here, and for more details regarding upcoming releases, you can read the theme release status page.

    2. The responsive version of ClassiPress will be available in the next major release (v3.3), the release date for which is indicated on the theme release status page linked above.

    3. Removing default layout features and price tag would require some modification of the default theme files on your part, and although you can create custom forms for ads, removing most of the fields, the description field will still be there by default and again would require some modification in order to remove it altogether. ClassiPress is not encrypted, so there is nothing which would prevent you from making these changes if you wanted to.

    4. There is no "favourite" or "report ad" functionality built into the theme. Ad posting requires registration, so this would require modification if you wanted to allow ad posting without registration.

    5. You can find recommended plugins for this here.

    6. Not at this time, but you can find a grid view child theme and map related plugin for ClassiPress in the AppThemes marketplace as optional add-ons.

    7. Through modification, yes this can be done, but there are no specific settings for this in the ClassiPress admin dashboard.

    8. This would also require customization. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Classipress features questions


    Thanks for your response. As a follow up to your answers:

    3. I meant this for the ad listings view: I.e. if I click 'Autos' and it shows me a list of 47 relevant listings in list view:
    b) I want to still show the price in this view, I just don't want to show the icon of the yellow Price Tag (shown on the demo),
    c) I definitely still want to allow ad descriptions, I just don't want the text description to appear in the ad listings view of search results. The description should only be shown when a user clicks on the ad. (I.e. when sorting through a list of ads, I want to see: Picture, Title and Price only)

    4. Is there a plug-in for Favorites list or Report Ad? I didn't find in your plug-ins page.

    Other questions:
    -Do you offer some customization services?
    -Can I show thumbnails of the ad picture in the My Dashboard view

    Looking forward to v3.3.


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're welcome :)

    3. b) The price tag image itself can be removed with some modification of the default theme files, but there is no actual setting for this in the ClassiPress admin dashboard.
    c) Again, this would require customization of the default theme as there is no option to turn off these description previews in the admin.

    4. There are currently no plugins specifically for these features, available in the AppThemes marketplace at this time. There may be outside plugins for this purpose, however please note that AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins, so we cannot guarantee that they will be compatible with our themes.

    We do not offer customization services, however we do have a Certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work.

    Adding thumbnails to the customers dashboard would also require customization. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you for your help.

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