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Thread: Classipress Hacked?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Classipress Hacked?


    I noticed a thread which I cannot access that suggests a Classipress site was hacked. Can you explain to me the nature of the situation since this raises many concerns, especially since I cannot view how the situation is being addressed.

    In this regard, does Classipress use Wordpress plugins designed to resist hacking such as using non-standard table names (e.g. a custom prefix), Secure Wordpress Plugin, etc.?

    Thanks for the info.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    In the thread you have seen the title for, this is an excerpt from their post:

    I have been experiencing hacker attacks since June. At first the attacks weren't through my Wordpress installations. I was running another classified ad program (one I'd had written for me using php scripts) and hackers used it to enter my domain and cause problems. I've been struggling since then to be sure that my site is secure.

    I deleted that other classified ad program and bought Classipress, hoping it would solve my problems.

    But yesterday and today all my efforts failed and my Classipress took two hacker attacks.
    From that point they're really looking for tips and suggestions on how to make their website more secure to prevent this kind of thing, and obviously this isn't really theme's can apply to anyone who uses WordPress.. In their case they have been targeted before, so we don't know about this side of it either..

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks for the response.


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