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Thread: Classipress needs

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Classipress needs

    three questions

    1. is it possible for lister to have their own "page" of the posts hey have, with images and information - I see but i want more of a listing page.

    2. Our listings will be state based.
    So our top level would be state with the same sub categories under all states. is that possible and would states without ads still be listed and display?

    3. Also how deep can the categories go 3 levels?

  2. #2
    Shannon's Avatar
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    1. is it possible for lister to have their own "page" of the posts hey have, with images and information - I see but i want more of a listing page.

    ClassiPress has a user dashboard with all of the user's ads listed in one place. You can see that here:

    Images are not shown on the dashboard in favor of giving the user some editing controls for each listing. The options easily viewable on the right side are edit ad, delete ad, pause ad and mark as sold.

    2. Our listings will be state based.
    So our top level would be state with the same sub categories under all states. is that possible and would states without ads still be listed and display?

    You could create top level categories as states but you would need to repeat each category for each state. States without ads would still be displayed. You might want to consider a plugin from one of our community members. The plugin is called Statify and can be found here:

    3. Also how deep can the categories go 3 levels?
    The categories can go 10 levels deep. Here's an example...

    Top level category
    -sub-category 1
    --sub-category 2
    ---sub-category 3
    ----sub-category 4
    -----sub-category 5
    ------sub-category 6
    -------sub-category 7
    --------sub-category 8
    ---------sub-category 9
    ----------sub-category 10

    You can see some of the options for displaying categories on our demo, here:

    Scroll down to "Categories Menu Item Options" and "Categories Page Options".

    Hope that helps you understand the theme a little more. Let us know if you have any other questions we can answer.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    follow up

    what i need is each seller to have there own "store" a place to feature their listings and a little about them copy.

    so each listing would be listed and display with a photo.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    follow up #2

    is it possible to limit users to 5 ads per year unless they have a paid membership for say $30 per month, can paypal be set up with a subscription service for the membership accounts?

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    what i need is each seller to have there own "store" a place to feature their listings and a little about them copy.

    so each listing would be listed and display with a photo.
    ClassiPress has profile pages which display the user profile and their listings, and you can see an example of this from the ClassiPress demo. Outside of this, it would require further customization of the theme.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    is it possible to limit users to 5 ads per year unless they have a paid membership for say $30 per month, can paypal be set up with a subscription service for the membership accounts?
    There are currently no options which would prevent a user from posting a maximum number of ads, particularly if they are paying for them. If they were free ads then you could moderate them to prevent additional ads being published, but this would require manual checking for the site admin. The subscription for membership payments is not automatic, the customer is sent an email when the membership packaging is expiring and would need to want to renew and proceed with the transaction.

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