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Thread: Is Classipress network compatible

  1. #1
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    Guest Phil's Avatar

    Is Classipress network compatible

    I'm interested in buying ClassiPress to install on a network configuration of Word Press. I have Buddy Press installed and want users to login to the site with their existing user ID and automatically be logged into the ClassiPress section of the site.
    Is that possible?
    Also I知 very interested in the Vantage theme. Will that theme be network, or multi user compatible as well?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Veteran bluecafe's Avatar
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    You can install classipress on a wordpress multisite installation but classipress is not a buddypress theme. Buddypress has its own template tags and buddypress requires buddypress themes. In a wordpress multisite each site has it's own user database.

  3. #3
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    Guest Phil's Avatar

    Is Classipress network compatible


    Thanks for the reply.

    The site in question is running on the Genesis Platform from Studio Press with the Serenity child theme, and the plug-in GenesisConnect for BuddyPress Support for the Genesis Theme Framework.
    What I want to do is install ClassiPress into the site so it is part of the network. My hope is users who have existing user profiles will have access to the CLassiPress part of the site and avoid a double log-in.

    My intension is to customize ClassiPress as much as possible to work and look like a business directory. I知 assuming I would upload business listings separately. I知 hoping some how I will be able to give users the ability to claim those listings. I have a coder who is well versed in Word Press coding if something needs to be done at that level. Also I知 not against to utilizing any support available through your team as well since your team knows the theme very well. I read that some of your team do work on the side in one of the posts. I only mention this to let you know in advance if what I want to do requires some coding I知 prepared to do what is necessary. Hopefully it won稚 require too much work and is a realistic request.
    I知 aware you have the Vantage theme scheduled to be released next year but I知 afraid it wont be in time. I need to get this feature up and running ASAP. I would be will to give a beta version a go if that is an option.

    In the mean time please let me know if you think what I知 hoping to do with the ClassiPress theme looks viable.


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