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Thread: ClassiPress in New Zealand

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    ClassiPress in New Zealand

    Hi Yumiko,

    I am in the early stages of planning a classifieds website to serve the Queenstown/Wakatipu area (where I reside).

    I have some experience with Wordpress sites and pretty quickly narrowed the theme search down to ClassiPress and ClassiCraft.

    It was a pleasant surprise to find a fellow Kiwi on the team at AppThemes.

    Could you answer a few questions for me please:

    1. What can you do to advocate your theme over ClassiCraft (go ahead, convince me:).

    2. Are there any problems I'm likely to encounter running this in NZ? Especially to do with online payment, Paypal etc. Will it cope with our postcodes?

    3. If happy with the product can I upgrade to Developer or Club at the advertised price and just pay the difference?

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Tony! Always a pleasure to see another kiwi pop up here ;)

    In answer to your questions:

    1. I'll do my best here, considering I've not heard of the other product before.. and believe me, we get asked to "convince me to buy this vs that" a lot ;) What I do know is that many of these similar themes offers by various companies do offer similar functionality/features. What's next to consider is who you're going to be dealing with, what their products are like etc and when it comes to AppThemes, for starters our ClassiPress theme itself was our flagship product, so it has had a lot of time/attention invested into development and improvements making it a very stable product. Our themes are well coded and commented, we have a dedicated support team and our community is well established, and you have the freedom to make modifications or extend the theme through marketplace products. If some of the customer sites in showcase alone don't encourage you then I'm not sure I can talk you into it ;)

    2. No I don't believe so, PayPal is commonly used even by other NZ sites so you probably wouldn't even need to look at other available payment gateway plugins. And yes, theme uses Google Maps settings which do accommodate NZ so there's no problem there.

    3. Yes definitely, you can just pay the difference. You'd email us for a special coupon code which will take into account your existing purchase.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Social Network Login

    Good Morning pepsi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Pretty likely I'll be purchasing ClassiPress shortly and expect many of my questions to be answered once I've registered, have it out of the box and can access your forum fully.

    Meantime I do have an important enquiry re. logging in via social networks.

    I will be looking for a plugin that will allow this and automatically import the network's avatar/profile picture to display in ClassiPress posts and comments.

    Some threads on your support forum suggest there may be issues with this (bear in mind I cannot see the moderators replies at this time).
    Also the Social Connect plugin your site refers to is no longer supported.

    Are you confident that I will be able to incorporate this feature? Do you know of ClassiPress sites successfully using this kind of login? Is the currently popular Social Login plugin compatible with ClassiPress?

    Very grateful if you'd do a little digging on this as its likely to be critical to be able to build subscription this way.



  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    More information is posted on our recommended plugins page regarding the plugin developers discontinued support of the Social Connect plugin, and that we will do our best to ensure compatibility with OneAll Social Login instead. According to feedback in our forums, yes the plugin is currently able to be used with ClassiPress successfully, however we don't have examples of sites to give you. Thanks.

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