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Thread: ClassiPress pre-sale questions

  1. #1
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    ClassiPress pre-sale questions


    I’m planning to get your ClassiPress.

    I have some question.

    Since it is running on WP, I would assume, you have something like a “Role Manager plug-in” built in.
    So the admin can define each role and each role can do.

    Admin account (edit/see everything)
    Manager (see/edit – see fields options / set by Master)
    Sales people (edit – see set by Master)

    Let say there are 3 Sales people selling classified ad.
    Example: If Peter sales a 6 month classified ad, it assigned to Peter.
    So, when Peter login – he can see all the ads he sold etc.

    Can each have their own login to their account and would see what they’ve sold, what ads, cost etc?

    ClassiPress features state: unlimited custom fields etc.

    Can I display individual fields in the custom template?
    (Other words, each fields/custom fields have their own field code to display a way I want it in the template)

    Can I create PDF file upload field? (beside images upload)?

    4) Can / will any WP plug-in be used/work with ClassiPress?

    I'm staying online to wait for your reply (I will try)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1) ClassiPress uses the standard WordPress roles, you have the administrator for the site admin, and then users should be set as contributor. You can always use the role manager plugin if you wish, as no, it is not built into the theme, and the roles you have mentioned are not part of the standard setup. You should know that even though the administrator has full access to the ads in wp-admin, they do not see the same customer dashboard as the actual customer (unless you then went and manually changed the ad owner to that other person)

    2) Yes, you can create your own custom forms and fields within those forms in whatever order you wish.

    3) This would be a customization to the theme, but yes it could be achieved with some custom coding.

    4) No, like any other WordPress theme there will be some plugins which simply aren't compatible. If it's not listed on our resources page as a tested and recommended plugin, then it would be up to you if you want to try it out, but we can't guarantee it will work.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Pepsi.

    Just to clarify. You’re saying that ClassiPress was created as a “one man” operation classified.
    One admin. It is a WP theme, but a classified cannot have more then one admin / other person with administrator role option.
    Is this correct?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Well not can obviously have more than one person with overall admin rights, and as I said, people with that access can fully administer the ads from the wp-admin (but to be clear, this means they see ALL ads, not just ads for a specific company/group)..

    So if you want someone other than the original ad poster to be able to see the basic customer end-dashboard, then no, it's not made for more than one person to see that side, but yes, a site admin can still edit the ad from wp-admin.

    Perhaps to further clarify what you are trying to achieve.. Is the site you intend to run, going to allow any registered user to post ads, or will the ads only be posted by people who work for the site owner?

  5. #5
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    Hi pepsi.

    I’m going to try to clarify.

    1) Yes- the site going to allow any registered user to post ads.
    2) I have 3 people –who work for the site- (i.e; sales rep)- who will sell ads/classifieds.
    a) So, when a user register (create an account) one of the sales rep would be assigned to the user account. (based on city/zip or other criteria)
    Example: if user registered is from Dallas – "sales rep1" (who assigned for Dallas) would be displayed in the user account. (– “sales rep1” – name, contact) –which should be easy to include in the template (what registered user see in their account)
    b) Sales rep who works for the site – sale ads.
    So when “sales rep1” sale an ad, I want them to able create the ad for the user.
    When “sales rep1” login would able to see the adds he did / each sales under “sales rep1”
    Current Roles in WP:
    Super Admin (site owner)

    Since –like- WP-Role-Members Manager Plugin – I figure, should able to create/manage to handle the above scenarios, to have a Sales Rep.

    I hope it makes more since. What do you think?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Going back to what I have mentioned in my previous posts, yes the role manager plugin will allow you to give your staff the access they need to edit any of the ads from the wp-admin dashboard - and they will see all ads in the wp-admin posts screen, not just specific posts.

    Yes, your staff will be able to create ads and then change the ad author to the name of the customer (effectively making it appear as though the customer posted the ad).. But, once the ad author has been changed to the customers name, the customer will then be able to edit their ad in the customer dashboard, and they are the ones who will receive any email correspondence sent via the sidebar contact form. If you prefer to have all contact for the ad go to your staff member, and you don't want the customer to edit their ad, then you would leave your staff member as the ad author.

  7. #7
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    Thanks Pepsi.

    Appricate you reply and help.
    I'm getting the theme.

    Thanks again.
    talk to you later.

    Oh, one more thing. Before I buy it.
    I want to first install it on a "developer" site to customize and setup the way I want it - then ones is ready to take it over to the real site.

    Is there any "special" thing I have to know/do when I buy it?


  8. #8
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    Just relaized / read the release of ClassiPress 3.1 coming in about 10 days.
    If I get v 3.0 - and start customizing / plugins etc.........Should I wait for 3.1....or it should not matter.


  9. #9
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem Fred :)

    The theme is not encrypted, so when it comes to customizations really you are free to do as you wish.

    Because 3.1 is a major release, I would be inclined to say that you probably should wait before customizing if you can, but really this is up to you. To anyone customizing, we always suggest you look at working with a child theme to minimize the amount of work involved when you do need to upgrade versions.. You can read more about this in the form of tutorials on the AppThemes blog..

  10. #10
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    Thanks Pepsi.

    Nice to have a place where "service" and "support" is being taken as an important part of a business.

    Thanks again!


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