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Thread: Classipress for Rental Property Directory

  1. #1
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    Classipress for Rental Property Directory


    I would like to create a directory where I would collect a one time setup fee (offline) and add a rental property to the directory. Is it possible to always keep the listing in the directory and just have it visible when the property is available or does the ad have to be created each time.

    I'd like to then charge a monthly reoccuring maintence fee online. Is it possible to set up a directory this way?

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Well you can have your settings as such that one payment for an ad will last xx amount of days...even 365 days or more..and as a property is rented out, the ad can be paused, but not deleted.. so effectively you could republish the original ad without the need to re-create it, or of course your customer can pay to relist the ad using the user dashboard.

    The out-of-the-box ClassiPress product does not have an option for a membership style fee system though, and at present you can only charge per ad. I believe there are others who have looked at membership type plugins but I can't say for certain if anyone has it effectively up and running. Potentially it is something you could customize though if you have the coding knowledge to work it out.

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