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Thread: Classipress sub-catagories

  1. #1
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    Classipress sub-catagories

    Does Classipress have the ability to create a lot of subcategories.I'm not talking about the all categories pull down menu which I would want to get rid of anyway.
    Here's an example: Parent Alabama Arizona
    Subcategory Auburn Flagstaff/Sedona
    Subcategory Birmingham Mohave County
    Subcategory Mobile Phoenix

    So I want all of the states as the parent and the major cities as sub-categories. Then when when someone clicks on the subcategory there would be sub-categories under that. and so on,
    does Classipress have this ability? What is the customer support like in the post sales forums. I've heard not so good, but you can't believe everything you read, I've read it could take days to get an answer to a question in a post sales forum or even worse your questions never get unanswered or if answered it has nothing to do with the question or maybe a part of the question is answered..I wouldn't want this to happen to me. Would I be able to create a classified site like or with Classipress? I'm not interested in creating a niche market, to many variables.



  2. #2
    dubya's Avatar
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    Hi Lisa.

    To answer your first and third questions: Yes. You can have as many child categories as you like. A quick search of the WP site did not reveal and documented limitations of WP, so the sky is the limit. There are many customers that do exactly what you describe.

    What is the support like? Actually, pretty good all in all. We have support staff located all over the globe, and do our best to respond as quickly as possible. Our aim is to respond within 24 hours if possible. Add to that the awesome community. Customers are constantly sharing ideas and helping each other out. It was the community that originally sold me on ClassiPress. But please remember that we are human, and need to spend some time with our families/eating/sleeping just like you. ;-)
    The search button. Your new best friend.
    - Dubya

  3. #3
    cgatherings's Avatar
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    See here:

    So far I have the states and counties and Classipress functions correctly. However, will need to change coding for the subcategory page results if you want something other than a list...Meaning your subcategories will be displayed in a single column list unlike the two or three+ column format with the parent categories. Definitely an issue w/ states containing many counties (like Texas, Georgia and Virginia for instance).

    As for support it is mainly community based. Most needs are met by searching for previously resolved issues and asking for help. What you have heard is true in my opinion and something I have experienced on multiple occasions - Post and Pray is what I like to call it. Real non-forum based technical support with a ticketing system is needed.

    With that said, I believe Classipress to be the best value for the money. Good luck w/ your project regardless of what system you end up using.

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