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Thread: Classipress subcatagories

  1. #1
    Forum Member eezus's Avatar
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    Classipress subcatagories

    I tried all the options in the demo @ and seems okay, but very limited. You can't see the results. The company says that it's easy to use and has great customer support. So my only way of really knowing is to take the companies word for it, since all sales are final, No 30 day money back warranty. Here are some of my concerns. I hear that making sub-categories is a real issue with Classipress. Sub-categories is the key to a successful classified site. I also hear that you can make sub-categories but all sub-categories will be shown on your home page. This is a very big negative in building a successfull Classified site. I hear that it can take days for appthemes support or someone in the community to get back to you regarding a question That sucks. I tried youtube for support but the videos are extremely choppy and leaves many steps out. I hear when you upgrade to a newer version of Classipress it usualy creates a lot of misery. This should be seamless and not cause anyone difficulty. I also hear that you get your questions answered quicker in this Pre-Sales-Questions forum as opposed to after you buy Classipress. And then when you post questions, it can take days for your very impotant questions to be answered. I understand that when someone in appthemes or a user of Classipress answers your question it's very kurt and choppy and they really don't answer your questions completely. It's kind of like "your bothering me go away". I want to biuld a comphrehensive classified site wth all the bells and whistles which means lots of sub-catagories and maybe thirty questions.. I hear that Classipress is great because they say it's great. Are any of my concerns valid? Why doesn't Classipress put up a page with video's demenstrating setup for a classified site? If it's so easy, comprehensive and feature rich? It would be very cheap to do this and would only take several days.



  2. #2
    Forum Member toziju's Avatar
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    Hi eezus, I heard the samething. I also heard that if you aked a question they will close your thread and tell you what category your posting is in but not give you the thread url that your posting is in. You might be better off desiging it yourself if you have the knowledge. I'm doing something I think on a smaller scale then you and I hope that Classipress customer support will be there for me.

    Good Luck,

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