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Thread: Classipress-Use of percentages

  1. #1
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    Classipress-Use of percentages

    Hello. I am attempting to create a site that would allow sellers to submit a portfolio size to a classipress marketplace and have buyers submit their bids to accept the portfolio in the form of a percentage. Lowest percentage will not always win since sellers will want to consider past user reviews.

    Is there an option thru this plugin or an add-on to submit a percentage instead of dollar bid?
    Can you turn off or on the option of winning the bid?
    Lastly, is classipress the right plug-in for what I am trying to do?

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
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    ClassiPress does not have any auction-style bid functionality built into the theme, and currently there are no such plugins in the AppThemes marketplace which would add the functionality to the theme. Ultimately if you were looking to add this to the theme it would require customization on your part, but if you're looking for it to be available "out of the box", then no it is not likely that ClassiPress is the right theme for this purpose. We currently do not have any auction style themes available. Thanks.

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