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Thread: Classipress vs. Classified Theme

  1. #1
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    Classipress vs. Classified Theme

    I am a novice to website building and I need a user friendly program. I see a lot of talk about Classipress, but nothing about Classified Theme. Why? Are they one and the same?

    I have looked at the Demos on both and read the program features, and they each have something I like. Can you tell me which one allows for more commercial advertising and affiliate space and more room to grow?

    Is the $79 for Classified Theme a one time purchase or an annual fee?

    Does it have a transferable license in case I want to sell my site?

    Is there plenty of space to add several affiliate banners (links)?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    ClassiPress and Classified Theme are different products created by different theme companies. I think the fact that you can find more talk about our ClassiPress theme is a good indicator of the difference in popularity of each product ;)

    Whilst there may be similarities between products of this nature, there certainly aren't always similarities between the quality of products and the support/development behind them. We can answer questions about ClassiPress, but obviously being that the other theme is not ours, you would need to ask them for more information on their product and pricing.

    ClassiPress has built in advertising spaces in the header, and single ad pages with more options available for the sidebar widgets. If you need more spaces and you cannot carry out the customization yourself, you can find add-ons such as Ad stuffer in the AppThemes marketplace which opens up more ad options. There is also an affiliate plugin for ClassiPress available there.

    You can find information about our theme pricing here, and the licences themselves are not transferable, however if you did sell your website and wanted to change account ownership this is something we could arrange with communication from yourself and the purchaser. It means you would no longer have access to the theme or the AppThemes account. Thanks.

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