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Thread: Classipress and Wordpress

  1. #1
    Forum Member kakeneti's Avatar
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    Classipress and Wordpress

    1. How does Classipress work with Wordpress? Is it a plugin? Please explain.
    2. Does Classipress offer anonymous email? If not, can someone help me with this? From what I have read on the net it's done in php. I've seen the code and there were about 40 lines of it. I don't know if it was compiled. I would be interested in purchasing something like this.
    3. Can I use the Wordpress chat with Classipress?
    4. I was thinking about going with 2000GB of Bandwidth, 1024MB of Ram, and 50GB of Disk Space with my ISP. What do you guys think?
    5. I am a complete newbie but I have a strong desire to learn. I have some experience with html but no php or anything else.
    6. Will Classipress work on Smart Phones Androids and Iphones?

  2. #2
    dubya's Avatar
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    Hi kakeneti
    Welcome to AppThemes.

    OK, Here we go...
    1. ClassiPress is a theme, and then some. It has been designed from the ground up for one specific application, and is both self contained and extensible. It really is more than "just" a theme.
    2. Yes. Viewers can respond to ads via a form that hides the ad owner's details.
    3. I'm not sure if I understand this question. If by "chat" you mean "comments", then, Yes. Comments can be used within ads if you so choose. If you are referring to one of the 200 plugins available that are related to the term "chat"... maybe. Due to the complexity of ClassiPress, we cannot guaranty that all 3rd party plugins are compatible.
    4. I would go with a host that is scalable. You should be good with that for a while, but if you are moderately successful (and we hope you are), you will need to add a few thousand ad placing customers to the mix. You may want to check out one of our hosting partners (and if you sign up, we'll give you 50% off).
    5. No problem. Beyond the Pre-Sales forum is a very large, vibrant and quite enthusiastic international community of users from all walks of life and skill levels. It was the community that sold me on ClassiPress several years ago.
    6. Yes. Although built-in "mobile optimization" is something that is still on the drawing board, there are customers that use the popular plugins that accomplish this.

    I hope that helps.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
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  3. #3
    Forum Member kakeneti's Avatar
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    ThanK You dubya
    I have one more question, I'm going with an ISP that is'nt a registrar, they want me to piont my url to there's, do you see any degradation issues there?

  4. #4
    dubya's Avatar
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    Nope. It doesn't matter who your registrar is, so long as your domain is being pointed to a Name Server. I would avoid domain forwarding though.
    The search button. Your new best friend.
    - Dubya

  5. #5
    Forum Member kakeneti's Avatar
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    Thanks again dubya have a great weekend.

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