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Thread: clipper: Can admin create Accounts for stores

  1. #1
    Forum Member myasirs's Avatar
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    clipper: Can admin create Accounts for stores


    i want to know, if i am admin, i can create accounts for different stores, to post their coupons them self, rather then admin posting them.

    i want to create Accounts for, Shops , so that they can post their coupons them self, rather i am doing so for them.

    i didn't find account creation in admin part of clipper.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If all you are asking is whether or not people can register and post their own coupons, then yes. You can see the registration link in the top right-hand corner of the Clipper Demo. You just need to make sure you have registration enabled in the WordPress admin also.

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