Originally Posted by
Thanks for your initial answers...Some follow-up questions:
1. What is the value of having the Photoshop (.psd) files in the developer package? How does that differ from the regular purchase?
2. Are comments allowed next to a specific coupon by default or is this configurable on or off?
3. So to clarify, only CSV importing is supported for feed integration with third parties?
4. You mentioned that AddThis.com is not supported by default without a plugin or modification to the them. Is there any plugin that supports AddThis.com? I understand that ShareThis.com is supported by default. Is theme modification easy?
5. I see the Koupon child theme is recommended for an addition to Clipper theme. I'm really not seeing a lot of specific additional enhancements listed, what exactly does it add functionality wise?
6. So what kind of search functionality is included with this theme or does it include one built in by default at all? I'd love to be able to use Google search, which is free and powerful with ad sharing revenue abilities. Is this possible with a plugin, is there a plugin for this?
1. The Photoshop .psd files are useful for web designers who wish to redesign the layout of the theme, as they contain all of the layout/color/size information for all of the pages used within the theme. You still need knowledge of .css in order to make use of the files though, so if this is not the case then you may not find the developer license necessary.
2. You can disable comments via the admin dashboard if you wish.
3. The theme includes a manual .csv importing tool, but if you're looking at automated feeds then you may like to check out the available plugins in the
AppThemes marketplace.
4. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins so unfortunately we cannot guarantee that they are all definitely compatible with our themes, but this is not to say there aren't WordPress plugins which can't be used out of the box. In this instance though,we're not aware of any specifically for AddThis.com which are being used. Our themes are not encrypted, so there are no restrictions preventing you from making theme modifications if you have the coding knowledge to do so.
5. The Koupon child theme is developed by one of our marketplace developers, and as with all marketplace products, you can find the features and information listed on the individual
product page, and you can also use the comments tab if you wish to communicate directly with the child theme developer.
6. The default search functionality is seen as on the
Clipper demo site.
Originally Posted by
One more for you -- When upgrading to newer versions of Clipper what settings or customizations are erased or reset? Are all basic settings and look and feel items reset and have to be redone from scratch or just major alteration directly to the code itself? And does using the child theme Koupon affect or improve this or any issues?
When you upgrade the theme, you're essentially replacing all of the theme files so yes you should expect to lose customizations (not data/settings). The best way to manage this is by using or creating your own
child theme. More information explaining the benefits of a child theme is detailed in that link. Thanks.