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Thread: clipper questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    clipper questions

    Would like to know if and how I can create a site and allow users to click from one country to another. I want to offer coupons for more than one country, eg uk, us, ca, au. however I want to have the country flag at the top (see for example as I can't really explain as I want to). same header etc but whenever they click on usa they would just get stores and coupons for USA

    Which would be better, do it like that where one site for each country, or to have coupons for all the countries I want to target in one coupon site?

    How can I put a little thing on my site that when persons visit my site they get a little message saying this site uses cookie to accept it etc? see it on couple sites

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Clipper doesn't separate listings into locations, so if you wanted to do this you may want to look at subdirectories/subdomains to manage various locations. You'd probably want to do this on a WordPress multisite setup to manage the installations more effectively. You could have them all on one site but there is no specific option to search by location. It would require customization on your part to add a custom message as you describe (if you're not just referring to the standard browser one which appears depending on their own browser settings). Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    okay so couldn't I add each country flag at the top which users can click to access coupons for each location? will it require a domain name for each (eg, etc)?

    would I have to create more than one site?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you customized the theme to work that way, then yes you could, but there's no function/feature in the theme itself which will set this up for you. It doesn't have to be more than one site, but that was just a suggestion.

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