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Thread: Combining themes - need business directory, jobs, event calendar, newsletter

  1. #1
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    Combining themes - need business directory, jobs, event calendar, newsletter

    i would like to offer a combination of business features on my site that all work together and can be combined into various premium package subscriptions:

    1 - business directory, including a multi-location feature that allows listers to post up to "x" number of their business branches, according to the subscription limits - this also needs to have US/Canada/Intl locations

    2 - job listings - allow up to "x" number of job postings as part of different premium subscriptions

    3 - events calendar - allow up to "x" number of events listed in calendar per premium subscription

    4 - newsletter - that automatically inserts the latest/updated business listings, a few job listings (perhaps as a premium option per subscription), new and upcoming events from calendar

    5 - banner ads - for the site and the newsletter, both part of a premium business listing subscription, category banners, home page banners

    yeah, i know, the above is pretty comprehensive, but that's the idea

    is there anything close? i've found lots of separate pieces but i'd like to tie it all together so that the premium subscriptions could offer lots of stuff

    thanks :)

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    All of the features you describe are not found in one single theme, however you could either select a theme and customize the heck out of it to include the other functions, OR, the easier option of installing various themes in subdirectories, and give the installations a unified feel through customization/restyling. You can find some related documentation here regarding creating a WordPress multisite network.

    For example: <== Vantage <== JobRoller

    Specifically related to your points:

    1. Vantage is the business directory theme, however this does not include a multi-location feature by default, nor a subscription feature at this time. Users pay per listing. In terms of the locations though, you can make use of WordPress Multisite as mentioned above, along with customization to achieve something as seen on this site which is featured in the AppThemes customer showcase

    2. The JobRoller theme is designed for job listings, and you can create job packs $xx cost, for xx number of job listings, for xx duration.

    3. The next release of Vantage v1.2 will include an events functionality, however specific details for this are not yet available to demo. The release is due out soon though.

    4. This is not a default feature of any of our themes, although users can subscribe to RSS feeds for notification of jobs/listings.

    5. Our themes include advertising spaces which can be configured from the admin dashboard, but any outside of those would require some customization of the default theme. You can also find additional plugins to extend the themes in the AppThemes marketplace.

    Ultimately your project sounds like it will involve some amount of customization in addition to the themes themselves to achieve all the features you are looking for. If you're not planning to do this yourself, you may wish to note that we have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire. If you make contact directly with an outline of your requirements, they can provide a quote for the work. Thanks.

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