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Thread: commission on sales

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    commission on sales

    I am looking for a template/website which will allow for individuals to post items to sell (no charge to list items on the site). The website will only take a commission upon the sale of the item. I am not looking for an auction. I would like people to list their items for as long as it takes until the items sells at the desired price.
    1. Is this possible and with what software/theme?
    2. Can the commission be based upon a percentage of the final sale price?
    3. Can a piece of the commission go to a charity? Can this be implemented once the site turns a profit or does it need to be built into the commission schedule from the beginning?
    4. Can there be an items reduced/on sale section?

    4. I want the person who lists the item and the person purchasing to have no way of getting each other's personal information to do the sale themselves and avoid paying the commission. Is that possible with this site?
    5. I would like purchasers to be able to rate the sellers. Is that possible?
    6. How much does it cost to purchase the software to do this?
    7. I have basically no computer/website skills. I don't understand the abbreviations in other questions and answers in this section. Will I be able to do some of this myself or will I need to hire someone for everything?
    Thank you so much for your assistance and answers.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. No there is currently no pricing model which allows for funds to be charged only after an item is sold. The actual transaction for sales of items listed does not take place via ClassiPress, as the buyer and seller do this themselves. The only payment process is that which happens when a customer posts an ad on the site.

    2. The only percentage based pricing model is" % of sellers ad price" which is based on whatever they're selling their item at, but this must be paid before the ad is published, not after sale.

    3. Again no, as the actual sale process does not take place within the website.

    4. We do not currently have any ecommerce based themes. If you were to use ClassiPress, the customer can of course reduce the price of their items by editing the price.

    5. You could customize the ClassiPress theme to prevent contact in this way, but the whole purpose of the contact form is to allow the transaction to take place between the buyer and seller.

    6. This is not built into the theme, no.

    7. Some people have been able to customize the theme to work alongside a rating plugin, but again, this takes customization.

    Basically everything you have described does not fit any of our existing themes, although ClassiPress is the closest which is why I am responding based on that theme. Based on the fact you have described that you have no computer/website skills, I would not recommend this as your purchase unless you were planning to invest money into hiring a developer who would implement any such changes for you, as none of these are included in the out-of-the-box theme. Although even then I don't think this is what you're looking for.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    additional questions: commision on sales

    thank you so much for your time and response. I really appreciate it.

    Is there a reason why your templates connect buyers and sellers to complete the transaction as opposed to keeping them separate??? Am I missing something by wanting to keep buyers and sellers separate? Perhaps keeping them apart is not the way to go??? I would appreciate any input you have on how to structure this aspect of the sales transactions.

    Do you know of any other companies/templates I should look into where a seller would only pay a fee upon the sale, and based upon a percentage of the sale price? My searches seem to find auction type sites, and not direct sale type sites.

    thanks again!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    It's set up this way because the intended purpose of the ClassiPress theme is as a Classifieds website.. where traditionally, buyers and sellers connect directly to finish the purchase process. You're not missing anything in wanting things to work the way you describe, but it's just not how the theme works. Obviously a lot more would be involved in the handling of finances between the other parties. At least with the method used by ClassiPress you're guaranteed to collect the money before the ad is posted, so you don't have to worry about listings that don't sell, and therefore don't make you any money.

    Based on everything you have told us so far, I just don't think that ClassiPress is what you're looking for without some major customizations required. Obviously I'm not in a position to promote products for other companies either so I'm afraid you'll just have to search Google for something more suited to your requirements out of the box.

  5. #5
    Forum Member amk2010's Avatar
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    well i believe Appthemes dosnt offer customization yet but you can contact some of their certified partners at Certified WordPress Theme Partners | AppThemes
    You may also submit your suggestions at AppThemes Ideas Exchange

  6. #6
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    thank you both for your input. I really appreciate it.

    In case anyone else reads this who is looking to accomplish what I am asking about, I was told to look for auction software, and then only use the buy it now feature. I am going to start looking into this.

    Thanks again!

  7. #7
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    commission on sales

    I am just checking to see if by chance there are any templates that now match my original request. Thank you so much!!!!

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