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Thread: Commissioning design for Classipress header

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Commissioning design for Classipress header

    I am commissioning a design for a header/banner to go on my Classipress site (haven't bought it yet but am comitted to it) and the designer has asked for the size. I can't find the information about this on your site. Can you help please.


  2. #2
    Veteran kplunk's Avatar
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    Its a logo change not a header change

    Just change the logo

  3. #3
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    The header logo size is 300x80.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

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  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thanks, but I don't want to just add a logo to your header, I want to change the header entirely, like some of the ones you have listed as example sites on your showcase page. Is it not possible to change/add just a header rather than the whole background? And if so, what are the recommended dimensions?


  5. #5
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Changing the whole header might require some modifications of the code. You can have it as a fixed or a fluid header of which an experienced coder will surely know how to implement such. If you want it in fixed size, classipress content is about 940 pixel wide.

    There are also some user shared header modification that you can check out at the members area of this forum.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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