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Thread: Could I cancel the cells of coutry and city?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Could I cancel the cells of coutry and city?

    Hi, I have a few question to know,

    1. I want to set the classipress in a town , so could it do not display coutry and city colum in the list?

    2. Could it calucalate something, for exsample, the price is a , the size is b, then the page could display the number of a*b automaticly.

    3. I want to use it in wordpress 3.0 multi blog, should I purchase the Ultimate Edtion?

    Waiting for reply. Thanks.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. You can use the Custom forms and fields feature to add or remove whatever fields you want from the new ad form. So yes, you can remove those fields if you wish.

    2. The only things it calculates is the cost of the ad based on ad package/featured listing options. Anything else would require customization on your part.

    3. Yes, the Ultimate licence is specifically for this purpose. Licence information here..

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