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Thread: Couple of additional set up type questions

  1. #1
    Bill Miller
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    Guest Bill Miller's Avatar

    Couple of additional set up type questions

    First, thanks for the information regarding pricing options. I have a couple of additional questions:

    1. Can you set up the ad so that it does not automatically post. What I am wondering is if I can have the ad have to be reviewed before it is posted. This would enable us to bill the customer via PayPal Invoicing manually and collect payment before we post. We could state that ads cost x dollars for the first 20 words and so much more per additional word. We would then reveiw the add and manually bill them.

    Is that a viable option with the product?

    2. If so, can renewals be set up the same way, so that billing for the renewal could be handled manually prior to the renewal going live.

    We have not totally bought into this fixed pricing model, but are considering it. In the meantime, we are wondering if we can do the above and in effect make our variable pricing model work.



  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    1. Yes you can moderate ads and it will only be published when approve it.
    2. The current relisting setup immediately republish the ad after they pay with paypal. I believe there is a workaround for this in your case since you are also manually billing the poster though involves more manual process.
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