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Thread: A couple of questions about Classipress

  1. #1
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    Guest Norms's Avatar

    A couple of questions about Classipress

    I am presently running a self hosted blog using wordpress so I am comfortable with the environment. I would like to make a classifieds website using classipress, could appreciate if you could answer these questions:
    1. What does this mean "The credit link in the footer must remain intact", with reference to the personal edition?
    2. Although this is not a related question can you please tell how much space should I get to start the ads site, will 300 GB be ok?
    3. Can users login to place ads? I want it to work this way.
    4. Can the various ad categories be modified?
    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. As of recently, we no longer offer the Personal Edition license, and the footer credit may be removed from any of our existing license types now.

    2. That should be suitable for starting up your site, and future expansion is really going to depend on how popular your site becomes.

    3. Yes, the default theme requires that all users must be registered in order to place and ad. You may also choose to have only registered users able to use the contact form in the ad sidebar if you wish.

    4. Yes, there are no categories when you initiall set up ClassiPress, as these are of your own choosing, created by you in the wp-admin.

  3. #3
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    Guest Norms's Avatar

    A couple of questions about Classipress

    Many thanks for the info. One more question. Can we have ads placed, based on geographical area? Like if I want to make the site specific to a particular country, can I add cities of my choice to it?
    Thanks a lot

  4. #4
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    If I have understood what you mean, yes you have to option to put the specific location that includes the city of the ad you are going to list. A default field is provided for that
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    No, he meant if you could make the site "location specific", meaning depending on what area the user selects, only ads, featured ads, banners etc. show up for that location.

    I am not buying this theme until this is added. There's too much customization work involved to put in this feature.

  6. #6
    Forum Member jvalentin1's Avatar
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    More Classified Press questions.

    I'm interested in purchasing classified press but I have a few questions. The answers will determine my purchase.

    I live in a US state that has 21 counties, Can I separate the classified ads per county? Example say I have 4 counties, and I want to see only ads in one county, can I do that?

    Also same questions goes for banner ads. Meaning if I go to a specific county and choose the auto category, Can banner ads be set up only to show ads for that auto specific category in that specific county?

    You see the revenue is in the banner ads. If an auto dealer wishes to place an ad in a specific county, can that be done?

    Last question in regards to Banner sizes. Am I stuck with just placing only a 480x60 banner size up in the header or can that size be modified and located within the classified ads themselves? Also can that be county and category specific?



  7. #7
    Forum Member jvalentin1's Avatar
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    Oops, I see someone else asked the question earlier.

    I see there was an answer. Any time table on when that feature will be released?


  8. #8
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Just to clarify this, there isn't anything currently built into ClassiPress that will allow you to show all listings under one location (such as Craigslist).

    There are no specific plans on the next release of ClassiPress to do this either, although there will be an advanced search functionality which will give users an enhanced way to search locations (and other custom fields of your choosing).

    There are no plans in the next release of ClassiPress to allow advertising banners specific to locations the ads are placed in.

    One method some customers use to allow a separate lot of ads based on location, is to create a multisite setup and give each location its own subdirectory. With this and some customization, you can achieve something like this site:

    I hope this clarifies things better.

  9. #9
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    I was getting all excited because a member of your team stated that the locations feature would be implemented on the next release. I guess that was incorrect as his post was deleted : (.

    That is the only thing holding me back from buying this theme! It would be so much easier to make something like fleabay if that feature was already integrated! I don't understand why it isn't because it has so many votes in the ideas section. Unless it's too diffucult to implement? Is it even going to be in any future versions, or is it too difficult for you guys?

    I need to know this so I can plan accordingly! Thanks

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    It may have a lot of votes, but other features/functions also receive a lot of votes and there are already functions that are long awaited that will be implemented in the next release of the theme. If you consider that every single feature and function takes time to implement and test and test again, it's simply not possible to put out a release with every feature request made (as nice as that would be ;)).

    All I can say is that what you specifically want is not going to be in v3.1 of the theme, and there are no confirmed details of when this may happen.

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