Couple of questions for the Mods..............
I am thinking about buying the Classipress theme Developers licence.
I have a couple of queries which I hope one of u guys may be kind enough to answer.
1) We prefer the directory structure like Craigslist or gumtree
i.e Items for Sale
- Baby & Kids
- CD's & DVD's etc
At the moment ver 2.9 the menus appear messy , on ver 3 they seem to be tidy.
Will this be corrected on the new version as it will save us unneccessary coding?
2) Is there any built-in
3) We are UK based , will the paypal currency be compatible with £sterling?
Are the US fields such as State etc changeable to County?
4) We want national coverage, to encompass most UK cities. Such as or , with a list of cities on the right. Is this something ver3 will support or is it something we will have to code??
5) On a lot of the Classipress sites , when u highlight an ad the arrow DOESn't change to a finger pointer which may lead some users NOT to click. Is this a problem inherent on all sites????
6) Is there a similar option to gumtree who have a slider @ top for Featured ADS, where they charge £19.99 per 7 days?
Our model will be FREE ads and to charge for featured and promoted ads.
Does CP support any type of monetisation like this?
7) Does CP support RSS feeds from say property websites? i.e. live auto population of ads to help us grow in the early days
I really like the theme and think it will do us for what we need and more than likely will buy it ,but would like the queries answered
Many Thanx