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Thread: Coupon Code: Where do I find one? Where do I enter it for checkout?

  1. #1
    Forum Member ilikelocal's Avatar
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    Coupon Code: Where do I find one? Where do I enter it for checkout?

    When trying to purchase it says that I'm already registered and it gave me this:

    "Username "********" has already been taken. Is that your account? If you've previously registered as a customer or affiliate, chances are it is. Please login to your account and select the "Available Products" link to make your purchase."

    Question 1: Where is ""Available Products"???? I can't find it!

    Question 2: If I want to use a coupon code where do I enter it?

    Question 3: For that matter, where can I find one?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you're having some issues with your attempt purchase. If you have already registered on our site (which it appears you have), then you will need to log into your AppThemes customer dashboard There in the right hand sidebar you should see a "Purchase Themes" link which will allow you to select the product you require, as well as add a coupon code if you have one.

    There are no specific promotions on at this time outside of those related to WordPress hosting or AppThemes translations. Thanks.

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