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Thread: Coupons only for registered users

  1. #1
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    Guest unregistered's Avatar

    Coupons only for registered users


    Is it possible to publish discount coupons ONLY for registered users with the Clipper theme?

    Also, I donīt want to show any coupon in the homepage.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Clipper has a setting in the general admin options "Require Registration" which requires users to be registered and logged in first before they can post a coupon. You can see this setting in the Clipper admin demo.

    By default, the coupons are visible on the homepage, and the minimum WordPress option you can set for posts per page is "1", so it would require some customization in order to show none. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Thank you for the quick answer. However, I still have some doubts:

    1) What I meant was to show coupons for registered users and not post coupons. What I want is that the coupons are only visible to those users that are registered and logged in.

    2) Also, I would like that only a particular profile of user (determined by the Admin) are eligible to post a coupon. So I would have some users that would post coupons and others that would see it. Is that possible?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No problem, thanks for the clarification of your question..

    1) Potentially you could look at a plugin such as Network Privacy which would allow such a thing, perhaps you could look at the plugin details and see if this is what you had in mind?

    2) If you restricted registration to only those accounts you as the admin set up, then you could certainly restrict who can post and set permissions as you create them. Or, if you left the registration open with a limited permission level for access by default, then you'd need to manually give specific users the ability to post by changing their permissions. Ultimately the current setup would require some kind of manual intervention for users. Thanks.

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