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Thread: Customization question

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Customization question


    I'm very interested in your directory theme for wordpress. I just have some questions.

    Is it possible to add picture galleries and reviews over google places etc.

    I want to integrate a clickable map or search by ZIP and I will need a Listing for that searches and want to charge extra fee for advertisers to list their directory post at the first position? Is this somehow possible? Is it also possible to set up advertising places for different regions/categories?

    Is it possible to charge extra for featured listings and is a affiliate program integrated or possible like offers it with its plugin? (h==p://

    best regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The reviews on Google places are added from within Google, so this is not a function built into Vantage (I believe you actually have to log in with a Google account in order to add the review).

    In the payment settings, you can charge for listings, as well as charge for featured ads, or for an ad to feature in the category. You can see the options for this in the Vantage admin demo.

    The other features you wish to add are not existing features of Vantage and would currently require some customization of the theme on your part. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make changes of this nature if you wish, however we do recommend the use of a child theme which will prevent you losing these modifications when an upgrade is carried out. Thanks.

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