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Thread: Customization question re Vantage

  1. #1
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    Customization question re Vantage


    I am very interested in buying your Vantage theme and from what I have seen and read it does look ideal.

    I just have one question really. I am thinking of additional ways to monetize the site. One of which is perhaps writing a niche report on behalf of one of the local advertisers within my listings. Would I be able to create an opt-in box in the sidebar for this to work with Aweber for example? Or would it be better for me to use a popup like popup domination?

    I would be grateful to hear your views.

    Many thanks.


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Barb, as you have mentioned, either of these would require some customization of the default theme on your part. Ultimately it's personal choice as to which would be better, but fyi, our Clipper theme actually has a similar function available as an optional widget in the sidebar called "Get Coupons by email". You need to sign up for an account with e.g. aweber in order to use the widget. I'm not aware of specific plans for this to be included in Vantage at this time, but this method of creating it as a widget may give you some idea of how it could be set up. Thanks.

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