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Thread: Customization & Updates

  1. #1
    Alex Yves
    Thread Starter
    Guest Alex Yves's Avatar

    Customization & Updates

    Please let me know if you have any plan to update the theme based on what we need based on the samples below.

    * Advertiser #1 - can use 2 images (maximum)
    * Advertiser #2 - can use 4 images (maximum)
    * Advertiser #1 - is NOT allowed to use URL /link
    * Advertiser #2 - is allowed to use URL /link
    * Advertiser #1 - can have up to 500 characters
    * Advertiser #2 - is limited to only 150 characters
    * Advertiser #1 - ads is 1 month
    * Advertiser #1 - ads is 2 months

    I see the setting in the General Settings ? ClassiPress ? WordPress but they are for Global / for ALL Advertisers and NOT for only chosen advertisers

    I am not sure if this can done on "Custom Field" - I tried adding, but no result.

    Please let me know if my request can be done on the next version or How it will be done on the current version.

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    You may request for it at the Ideas Exchange page AppThemes Ideas Exchange .
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    Guest kahlon's Avatar
    how many votes are required for a suggestion to be implemented?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    That's really up to our development team. There isn't necessarily a threshold, because there may be a brilliant idea that the development team agrees which which doesn't receive as many votes.. At the end of the day, we can't guarantee it will ever happen, but you won't know unless you put in the request. If the feature is of great importance to you now, then perhaps you may wish to consider hiring a developer to implement such changes.

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