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Thread: data migrtion from external site

  1. #1
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    data migrtion from external site

    Hi I own this ads site that is completely out of standard, I'd like to create a new version with classipress theme without loosing the old ads that are about 15 thousand.

    Do you think that a migration could be possible? what do you suggest?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    It is possible but will require manual modification of the source database to conform with Classipress database structure. This is a tedious process and knowledge in MYSQL, php and etc will definitely come handy for this kind of modification.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jomarkosabel View Post
    It is possible but will require manual modification of the source database to conform with Classipress database structure. This is a tedious process and knowledge in MYSQL, php and etc will definitely come handy for this kind of modification.
    Thank you for the answer, I see that it definitely is tedious, I'm thinking about buying the plugin and doing the job gradually in the spare time.
    Do you think that there could be some steps that could invalidate the entire process? For example I have images in db, only registered users can insert ads, etc. I wonder if this is all adaptable...

    Do you have suggestion for an alternative? for example linking to the old site,working with the two sites in parallel...

  4. #4
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    I could not comment on this as I am not familiar with the script you are using including its database structure.

    Do you think that there could be some steps that could invalidate the entire process? For example I have images in db, only registered users can insert ads, etc. I wonder if this is all adaptable...

    The workaround I have in mind is to move your old classifieds site on the subdomain and install classipress in the main domain. Then just put a link on the main page informing your users that you have restructured your site and that old ads can still be found through the subdomain link. This will require your users to re-register for the Classipress setup though.
    Do you have suggestion for an alternative? for example linking to the old site,working with the two sites in parallel...
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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