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Thread: Database and Languages

  1. #1
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    Guest Robdag27's Avatar

    Database and Languages


    I am a dummy when it comes to designing a website or in this case a classifieds ads.

    I like your product would just want to confirm a few things before I purchase it.

    Is the fee a once off to be paid?

    When I install the theme does it auto create the the database tables, columns etc. on my pre installed word press hooked to mysql?

    I would need to have my page running in Portuguese as default language and English available to choose. Is that possible???

    Thanks in advance for you comments.

    Kind Regards

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The initial purchase price gets you a lifetime license for the theme, and 12 months of updates and support. After that time, if you wish to continue the subscription it is $29 for an additional 12 months of updates and support. If you do not renew the subscription you can still use the theme on your site but you will not receive further updates or have access to the support forums. More info about prices can be found on our pricing page.

    You don't need to do anything separately with regards to the database, as once you have installed WordPress and then the theme, it's already done.

    You can select one language or the other, but the theme does not have a language selector by default. Thanks.

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