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Thread: I design Wordpress sites, I dont use Photoshop ..

  1. #1
    Forum Member aidanodr's Avatar
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    I design Wordpress sites, I dont use Photoshop ..

    Hi Guys,

    As the title states I design Wordpress themes/templates from scratch as part of setting up a site for clients. I generally use Fireworks and Corel for my graphics and Notepad++ for coding CSS / PHP. I do not use nor have Photoshop.

    For any of your themes - Do I need the developer versions IF I DO NOT USE Photoshop? Is there any advantage?

    Can I just use the regular versions and "Edit" these themes to my liking?

    How "open" are these themes to change using any graphics app and CSS changes plus some PHP edits?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The Photoshop .psd files are useful if you plan to redesign the layout of the theme, however they are not a necessity, particularly if you have no intention of using them anyway. Our themes are not encrypted, so you are free to make customizations as you wish. Our recommendation would be for you to create a child theme, as this will allow you to minimize loss of modification work during upgrades.

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