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Thread: Developer license question

  1. #1
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    Junior Member midwestmedia's Avatar
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    Developer license question

    Just checking: If I should build a classified ads site using Classipress and then sell that site to someone, how would I transfer that under the terms of the license? I wouldn't be a developer with that person as a client, just a former owner of that site.

    What exactly is the scope of the developer's license? Is there a copy of it that can be posted so prospective buyers of the license can see what all it covers?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Developer license question

    The developers licence allows you to create CP based websites for clients, but ultimately you're making money off creating the sites, not from selling actual CP licences.

    Perhaps after 3.0 is released (hopefully next week), I can ask if David can perhaps look to make it a little clearer on the homepage as we do get the occassional question about this :)

  3. #3
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    Junior Member midwestmedia's Avatar
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    Re: Developer license question

    Thanks for looking into that! I'm not concerned with making sites and selling them right away as a business model, I just want to know what my rights are in the future if I should sell sometime down the road (or if someone offers to buy the site) while still using Classipress.

    If a copy of the exact license could be posted it would probably answer most pre-sale questions of this type from developers. It's just nice to know what the scope of the license is in advance before paying.

    Thanks again for your certainly would clarify some things in advance! ;)

  4. #4
    Amateur samgreenlee's Avatar
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    I am a little bit confused, between this thread and another. Am I right in understanding as a web designer that if I buy the developer version, I can use the theme in sites I build for clients, but I cannot charge them for the theme? I read the GNU license but the legalese did not make much sense to me.

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The thread you linked to is quite old (from 2009), and our licensing has actually changed since that time.. But to be clear, you can purchase our themes and build websites with the theme installed to sell to clients, but what you can't sell is the theme itself. i.e. You shouldn't be trying to sell and distribute actual copies of the theme. If a customer buys a ClassiPress based website off you, they don't automatically become an AppThemes customer.

  6. #6
    Amateur samgreenlee's Avatar
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    Thank You

    Thank you for you quick response. That makes sense to me. Thank you again.

  7. #7
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    The thread you linked to is quite old (from 2009), and our licensing has actually changed since that time.. But to be clear, you can purchase our themes and build websites with the theme installed to sell to clients, but what you can't sell is the theme itself. i.e. You shouldn't be trying to sell and distribute actual copies of the theme. If a customer buys a ClassiPress based website off you, they don't automatically become an AppThemes customer.
    How does a person who buys a website from one of your members become a member themselves?

  8. #8
    dimitris's Avatar
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    I think pepsi was trying to explain that you cannot become a customer of AppThemes if you purchase your theme from someone else besides AppThemes.

  9. #9
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Developer License Question

    Quote Originally Posted by dimitris View Post
    I think pepsi was trying to explain that you cannot become a customer of AppThemes if you purchase your theme from someone else besides AppThemes.

    Pepsi can you clarify please?

    I know a person who whats to sell their domain name and it has the Classifieds Theme installed on the domain. If I were to buy that how would I go one to become a member here?

  10. #10
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Purchasing a website which has one of our themes installed does not mean you automatically become an AppThemes customer. In order to become an AppThemes customer and have full access to our support forums and theme upgrades, you will need to actually make a theme purchase with us. I hope this clarifies it for you. Thanks :)

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