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Thread: Disable User Registration Feature.

  1. #1
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    Guest Ajay's Avatar

    Disable User Registration Feature.

    I like this theme and i'm ready to buy. But I don't comfortable with user registration to post the ads and i completely hate it. I Don't like this feature. Is it possible by default, disabling the feature of user registration. If so, I'm ready to buy this theme. Don't use ctrl+c and ctrl+v as used in previous threads for this related issue question. If i wants to hire someone to customize, i've to spend atleast 70$ + your Theme cost 99$ without any special features is totally crap. 99$ for a theme without a simple disabling feature is totally unworthy theme price.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    As you will have already read from other threads relating to this, this is a default feature and there is no setting to disable it and therefore it requires customization. If you don't wish to do this modification yourself or hire someone to do it, then this isn't the theme for you. Thanks.

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