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Thread: Documentation

  1. #1
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    Guest Tsun's Avatar



    Since i am very interested by the classipress theme, i ask myself some question.
    The business model proposed by classipress dos not match mine. Well, ok.
    So, i will have some modifications to do.
    My questions are about mainly documentation.
    Is there really a technical documentation that can help me to modify the theme at my convenience ?
    Does that documentation cover :
    any API Documentation ? (i come from the java world hehe)
    logical and physical data model ?
    existing used functions libraries ?
    best practices ?
    samples ?

    Last question : do you propose any prestations services in order to develop a fork for my modifications ?

    Thank you for your answer

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Modifications are not covered by the support and likewise documentation only covers the standard setup. You may just check some of appthemes certified partners Certified WordPress Theme Partners | AppThemes to do the modification for you.
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
    Thread Starter
    Guest Tsun's Avatar
    Thanx a lot for your answer,

    so it seems there is no documentation :(
    well i'm gonna check your link

    thank you

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, not for the topics you mention. We are working on an AppThemes knowledge base which will allow more documentation along these lines to be added by the community, however the release date for that is not known at this time. Currently community members share tutorials/tips in our "Mods & Tutorials" section of the support forums, however I don't believe any of those topics have been covered.

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    thanx pepsi for the complement,
    any idea about the delivery date of this knowledge database ?

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We have already been started populating it (although it's not released yet), but it has been on the back burner while our team concentrate on getting the next release of ClassiPress out (v3.1), so perhaps once that is finally released we'll have a better idea of when it will happen. Hopefully soon!

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