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Thread: does the 99dollar version not have PS Files

  1. #1
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    Guest sheridan69's Avatar

    does the 99dollar version not have PS Files

    hello i do not under stand why the 99 version has no PS Files as the 159 dollar file
    i mean are they hidden in some folder, or could I just have a look at the ones in the pakage
    copy them and make new files in PS?
    I do not under stand where their should be a difference, how can the cheaper one have no files to change and the other has,
    it confuces me a bit could somebody say something about this please
    thank you so much

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The Photoshop .psd files are not required to run the theme itself, and they are optional additional files which come only with the developer license purchase. The files are useful for web designers who wish to redesign the layout of the theme, but you can still customize the standard theme without them. If you have knowledge of these files and how they are used, then there's no question as to why they are useful and why you would pay extra for them. If you don't think you will need them, or if you do not have knowledge of css then you should select the standard license package. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest sheridan69's Avatar

    thank you

    Thank you pepsi!!!
    So I could make my own psd files and load them into the 99 version
    but have to be good in Css
    do I get a manuel for the themes where the css is a bit dokumented,
    so I can change the header if i do not like the colours in the theme?
    thank you for answering

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You don't exactly load the .psd files onto the theme, but yes you do need knowledge of css if you're looking to modify the default layout. We have some documentation here relating to theme customizations which may help explain it all a little better. Thanks :)

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