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Thread: Does Classipress have?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Does Classipress have?

    Hi there!

    Classipress looks great! I'm just after a few answers before I take the plunge.

    Does Classipress offer the following features:
    - Featured Ads - listings that show on the first page
    - Prioritized Ads - listings placed on top for each category, before all other listings
    - Highlighted Ads - listings that show in a different color to be more visible than the other listings.
    - Email alerts for users when new listings that match their criteria are added
    - Tweet when an ad is posted
    - Registration through Facebook and other social media sites
    - Messaging between users
    - Automatically deletion of expired listings

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback :) In answer to your questions:

    - Yes ClassiPress offers featured listings, and these appear in the featured ads slider of the main homepage as you can see from the demo site
    - Ads are listed in the order by which they are posted, so newest goes at the top by default. There are no options which would allow prioritization as described
    - There is no default option to highlight featured ads
    - Users can subscribe to the relevant feed for a category if they wish to receive an email notification
    - This functionality can be added through the use of a plugin such as Twitterfeed, but it is not a default feature of the theme
    - This can also be added with the use of a plugin such as Social Login from OneAll
    - There is no built in functionality for user messaging
    - Expired ads can be sent back to draft mode, but you as admin would need to delete them. It's not necessarily ideal to delete the content as soon as it expires, as this does not allow users the opportunity to relist an ad. Also, from an SEO perspective it can also be an issue.

    More information and links to the ClassiPress demo can be found on the theme page. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Wow thanks for answering all my questions!

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    That's what I'm here for, but you're welcome :D

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