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Thread: Drop Down Search Box? Essential for a classifieds site.

  1. #1
    Forum Member safuk's Avatar
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    Drop Down Search Box? Essential for a classifieds site.


    Is it possible to have clickable drop down search function on the Homepage e.g if you were selling houses:


    Property type(drop down)
    Number of Bedrooms (drop down)
    Area (drop down)

    SEARCH (button)

    Many would consider this as the expected format for a classifieds site. Is there a easy way to modify the default format of classipress to have this? Is there a plugin?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    I have seen such a customization on a customers website in terms of a search function especially for real estate, however this was modified by them, and is not how the theme works by default. Our themes are not encrypted, so effectively yes you can make such changes, however it really comes down to your level of coding knowledge whether or not this is "easy" to do. There are no plugins I am aware of which would achieve this specifically.

  3. #3
    Forum Member safuk's Avatar
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    Hi Pepsi,

    I came across this on your site Setting Up Advanced Search | AppThemes Docs

    What is this referring to? Is it not what I originally wanted to achieve?


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