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Thread: Email Marketing & CRM Advice Please

  1. #1
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    Rookie cblamire's Avatar
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    Email Marketing & CRM Advice Please

    I'm very excited about Classipress (Vantage sounds great too). Is there a prefered email marketing plugin for Classipress? Would the plugin utilise the account login email addresses or require a user to fill out a seperate subscribe field. Can all this be managed within Wordpress? Someone mentioned Mail Chimp to me, is this the best or is there better? What are the pros and cons?
    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, we don't have any recommended service specifically for this purpose, as it's ultimately personal choice. AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins or customizations, so if you're thinking of using a plugin to collect the data then we cannot guarantee which plugins will work.

    These email marketing sites though usually allow you to import your mailing list, so if you cannot find a plugin to extract the data from your wp-admin, you could always extract it manually via the database side and then import to the mail site. You should also be able to use a subscription signup form using a standard text/html widget with code from the service provider.

    The only thing relating to your user accounts that is managed by WordPress by default is the registered users list.

  3. #3
    Forum Member sophiagreen's Avatar
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    One of the best email marketing tips is to make it personalized. Email users are more likely to read an email that is addressed to them than a general one that they can tell is sent to hundreds of others, we all want to feel unique and special. In the beginning of the email place their name, the human eye catches familiar words and our names are the most familiar to us. By personalizing the email you make your client feel special and not just a number. Any client will tell you that they go back to the places that treat them like individuals rather than just a statistic. More information look into

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