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Thread: embed into existing theme/site

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    embed into existing theme/site

    I know this question has been answered before but this page

    requires me to join and log in to view the answer! come on.

    I want to create a classifieds PAGE in my existing (and heavily themed) site. I do not want to use a new theme (which seems to be the only way to use your classified system). I am capable of creating a new wp installation in a subdirectory of my site. I suppose I would then link to that installation (which will be running your theme) and add a link from that installation to say something like 'click here to return to main site'. Is that the best way to do this?

    Incidentally, this forum system for asking pre-sale questions is very hammy. You say that you want us to use this system so direct emails don't get lost or buried, but this is not a free product. If I'm paying a hundred dollars for a theme, I'd hope that your staff could at least field direct pre-sales emails and provide detailed instructions on how to implement your system. That drives sales!

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Our themes are all stand alone and require their own instance of WordPress to run, so they are not designed to be embedded into an existing theme. How we recommend those with existing sites use our themes is as you describe, and that is to install it in a subdirectory, e.g. <== Your existing site <== Your ClassiPress installation

    To take it a step further if you are looking to share the user database across these installations, you may also like to consider a WordPress multisite setup.

    We certainly have no problem if someone prefers to ask their pre-sales questions via email, and we do in fact field many questions in this manner. The pre-sales forum allows people to post general questions, even anonymously and this is what some people prefer if they don't want to feel "committed" to buying our products by having made personal contact. All actual theme support however, is provided in the form of the AppThemes forums though.

    If you're interested specifically in how the themes are installed, you're welcome to check out the "getting started" documentation for any of the themes from our documentation page. Thanks :)

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    This is clear and helpful, thank you.

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