Extra Categories in JobRoller at the Job Type level
The jobroller demo shows the current categories to post and search jobs as
Job Type
Job Category
(I take it it's possible to rename these and also to set whatever needed as the sub categories within each category?)
Can you also add additional categories with their own sub categories at the same level as these
Job Type, Job Category, Salary
categories shown,
Job Industry [TV, Film, Commercial...]
Job Status [CEO, Snr Mgr, ....]
that recruiters could also use to categorise their jobs and users could use to search jobs?
So the full list of categories would be something like
Job Type, Job Category, Job Salary, Industry, Job Status, Job Function.
So when recruiters post jobs they must select attributes form within each of these
Job Type, Job Category, Job Salary, Industry, Job Status, Job Function
categories to describe the job they are advertising.
And when users search jobs they can search based on criteria selected from within all of these
Job Type, Job Category, Job Salary, Industry, Job Status, Job Function