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Thread: Featured Ad - How do they buy?

  1. #1
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    Guest Evan's Avatar

    Featured Ad - How do they buy?

    So it's a bit unclear from the website demo, how the user can buy a featured ad. Please advise. I'd like to do a few things.

    -Upsell on a Featured Ad upon sign up. They would complete the sign up form, and then be asked, "Would you like to make this a featured ad?", and then it would take them to the payment page, and the ad would be featured.

    -If they've already created the ad on 4/15/13 to last for 30 days, and they decide on 4/20/13 for the ad to be featured, I want the ad to last until 5/20/13 (not 5/15/13). Is this automatic or would have to go into admin and add this? Also, if the free ad is already posted, what steps would they take to then make it featured?

    -I know you don't have recurring payments, but when someone buys a featured ad, do they have an opportunity to renew it somehow?

    -Trying to figure out the benefits of the featured ad - I see it has a wrapped Featured thing on the upper left, and it shows up on the home page at the top - other than those two things, are there any other benefits?


    After ads expire, do they remain on the site - I went to a Classipress site, and the ad still appeared even though it said in the listing that it expired.


    You have the sponsored ad (which seems like it's just the 4 boxes to the right on the home page) + you have the top banner ad. Is there an easy way for customers to purchase either one of those through the theme?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    If you have allowed for featured ad posting, then the featured ad check box appears in the ad listing form at the bottom of the page just above the "Continue" button

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tTmyjHR.jpg 
Views:	13 
Size:	26.7 KB 
ID:	5828

    They then proceed to the confirmation page which calculates the total ad listing price before going to the payment gateway process.

    As of ClassiPress v3.2, relisting with the option to upgrade to a featured ad was implemented, however there is no option to upgrade an ad that is still running.

    Customers can renew an ad when it expires if you allow ad relisting in the ClassiPress admin. They will be sent an email asking if they want to renew.

    Featured ads appear in the featured ads slider, but not other aspects of the ad itself such as order or colour. There are some AppThemes marketplace child themes for ClassiPress which have special functions for featured ads built into them such as a tag or ribbon to make it more obvious.

    It's up to you what you want the ad to do when it expires, there is a setting for this in the ClassiPress admin dashboard which allows you to prune the ads or leave them there.

    There isn't any advertising management functionality built into the theme to collect payment for banner ads. You can find ad space plugins in the AppThemes marketplace if you want to implement more banner ad spaces. Thanks.

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