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Thread: Featured ads

  1. #1
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    Featured ads

    Hi,i want to buy classipress but i have dudes.
    Is posible to able pay for featured ads? like first searches,colored the post and similar things
    And post without register
    And the last thing,whoy secured is the theme?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You can charge for featured ads which then allows the ad to be shown in the featured ads slider. It does not change the colour or other status of the ad itself. By default, ClassiPress requires users to be registered before they can place an ad. If you wanted to allow posting without registration, it would require customization of the default theme on your part as there are no settings for this in the ClassiPress admin dashboard. The theme is secure, with options to set back office access as well as a reCaptcha field for registrations. Thanks.

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