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Thread: A few pre-sales questions

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    A few pre-sales questions

    1. Will the new WP Buddypress Pack work OK with this great plugin? I am assuming Multisite will, since the coupon site will become a sub domain.
    2. Each small business owner will have, by virtue of Buddypress Membership, his own signin to manage his/her coupons on the CLIPPER site?
    3. I need to show the small business owner's coupons one his own website, whether WP or his/her non-WP website. I an assuming X-frame (a window to the coupons on the CLIPPER site...will suffice?

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    To clarify, Clipper is a WordPress application theme, as opposed to a plugin :) AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins so unfortunately we cannot guarantee that the theme will definitely be compatible with BuddyPress. I have checked our forums and have not seen mention from members of our community that anyone has tried these together and can confirm either way. Our themes are able to be used on a Multisite network though, yes. Clipper is not encrypted, so you are free to make customizations to the default theme if you wish. Thanks.

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