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Thread: Few pre sales questions before purchasing

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Few pre sales questions before purchasing

    Good Morning

    Myself and my partner are almost minutes away (on this response) of purchasing Classipress, we have some questions and concerns that we would like to address BEFORE making the purchase.

    (1) - When listing the ad , we notice the advertiser has to input STATE and COUNTRY and is also asked for his her zip/post code... As our site is a LOCAL site in ONE area, we would not require the STATE and COUNTRY to be asked only the POST CODE (prefer post code not zip/post code) ... How easy is this alteration to make ?

    (2) - We assume we can switch the site too £ (GBP) only , so there is no option for other currency ?

    (3) - Can we increase the upload image size (currently set at 100kb on the demo site you have) ?

    (4) - If we were to buy the Personal edition, then have a fully functional activated website, what is needed to do an upgrade ... Will we encounter any downtime ? , would an upgrade (for example paypal IPN) just be a simple plugin addition ?

    (5) - On the home page of your demo front end site, we notice the page has the categories listed on the page, then below we notice a 3 tabbed box marked 'JUST LISTED - MOST POPULAR - RANDOM' , we would like to make a small code it to bring the tabbed box to the top and add a new tab (first one) called Categories, so that the tabbed box includes the categories that you see first, then you can tab accross too the other 3 existing tabs. Does this sound like something that can be done, easily within the code?

    Many thanks

    we look forward to your reply

  2. #2
    Veteran pinocchio's Avatar
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    welcom dear !

    1-Classipress has a built-in custom fields and a custom form generator ! what does it do ? u can define new fields as many as u wish then u can creat forms according ur needs. eg --> u can define just 4 fields name, tel,email,add ! u can make as many forms as u need then in each form u can define which of the fields u need in this form ! with this great and useful setting u can set a unique form to each cat ! in 1 sentence u specify everything ! nothing is pre-set !
    ================================================== ==============================================
    2- all paypal currencies have been built-in ! so if u wanna work with pay pal currencies then no problem ! even if u don't wanna use paypal currencies u can set ur own currency symbol !
    ================================================== ==============================================
    3-u can choose how many pix the users can upload(1 to 8 max) and there's an option by which u can set the size of each pic!
    ================================================== ==============================================
    4-plz read this page !
    ================================================== ==============================================
    5-It's a piece of cake ! don't worry ! Classipress is really flexible !

    at last I should say I recommend u to get Classipress 3.1

    have fun

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks pinocchio.. Yep, they pretty much covered it all ;)

    Just to clarify #4, the additional features such as PayPal IPN are not extra plugins, they are built into the licence type so if you plan to upgrade later you would upgrade your licence type. You only pay the difference between licence prices anyway.

    There is actually a community shared tutorial within our forums, where another customer has added a categories tab as you have explained.. So yes, it can definitely be done, as can any other customizations you wish to make. The theme is not encrypted, which allows you to alter as you wish.

    If you do purchase ClassiPress now, you will get the upcoming releases v3.0.5, v3.1 and all other updates at no extra cost.

  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar


    Thanks for the replies guys...

    I am going to make the purchase.

    Me and my business partner have just had a chat over a coffee and really hope this plugin is for us. I am installing Wordpress 3.0.1 now , once its all done and good I will be back to purchase on our behalf.

    ONE FINAL QUESTION - How long until Google Checkout Module is ready ?

  5. #5
    ninja's Avatar
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    As you can see I am all purchased and logged in

    many thanks again

    Let the installations begin :)

  6. #6
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Great to hear! With regards to the Google Checkout payment gateway, I don't have a specific date yet, but I think it's safe to say it won't be in the next release at this stage.

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