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Thread: Few question b4 purchase

  1. #1
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    Guest Clippertrove's Avatar

    Few question b4 purchase

    On clipper demo are there any plugin install?? What i mean is will clipper come with plugins??

    Issue: when i make the windows/screen smaller the header and footer of the theme breaks off.. Why..

    Iphone display any website without being responsive as it minimize the width.. Same problem happen there as well..

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    No, there are no plugins added to the Clipper demo site, all functionality you see on the demo is included in the default theme. I cannot replicate the issue with the header and footer problem you see in Chrome or IE and it is not a reported issue. Could you please advise which browser you are using please?

    Clipper is not currently a responsive theme, however we will be looking to implement this in a future release of the theme. Thanks.

  3. #3
    Guest clippertrove's Avatar
    Here you can see header and right side of the theme breaks -
    Here you can see the footer is breaking off -
    Here you can see the print coupon is not working -

    Testing on firefox , internet explorer, safari
    print coupon page loads but shows a blank coupon!


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the screenshots, I'm still not able to replicate this problem, but will check with other members of our team and see if they can do so. In terms of the coupon, it's supposed to be the image you see, although not usually on a black background.. I'll come back to you as soon shortly about once I've looked into these though :)

  5. #5
    Guest clippertrove's Avatar
    You will be able to notice the problem only when you make the browser smaller...(when you open you browser its full screen try making it half of the screen or even smaller and scroll to you right and see the changes)

  6. #6
    Guest clippertrove's Avatar
    Just to give you heads up its look like -- every themes of yours has the same problem.. browser can't be re-size or it can be re-sized to a limit strange never seen that before!

    i have tested other themes which are your competitors if i re-size the browser to the smallest all i have to do is scroll to view the page but every single theme off yours header and footer and right side color changes/move/breaks

    IT was my concern b4 purchase

  7. #7
    Guest clippertrove's Avatar
    Correction -- > Ideas and Clipper -- are the only 2 themes which has this problem rest of the themes are fine!

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