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Thread: Few questions.

  1. #1
    Forum Member misterx's Avatar
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    Few questions.

    We're currently using the Jobpress theme and have users already signed up. Is it hard to switch to Jobroller theme?

    Can the Featured Job option be eliminate?

    Is there a discount code feature available for posting jobs?

    Is there a Simplyhired XL feed?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Presumably the issue you'll have with changing themes is that the current job listings will be appearing under "Posts", whereas JobRoller uses custom post types, where jobs are listed under "Jobs". In this instance, if you have a large number of job listings and categories you may need to create a custom query to automatically migrate the data into the correct location, otherwise it would be a manual process..

    Yes, you can turn off the featured job option from the JobRoller admin.

    At present no, there is no coupon module in JobRoller.

    Currently integration is only set up for Indeed, however there's always the possibility more options will be implemented in future. No confirmed details of this yet though.

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