1. The default logo is just a placeholder of which can be replaced by your own. There is no Appthemes Logo/or name in the admin panel.
2. There is no HTML version of the theme.
3. No mobile version yet but it can be accomplished using a plugin like WPtouch as what other users have done.
4. Classipress is a classifieds platform and so there is no feature for the visitors (buyers) pay for their searched products on the website. However, some users were able to convert classipress into an ecommerce site using a plugin such as the ecommerce plugin.
5. You can contact some of Appthemes certified partners here
6. The PSD theme is a template and so it has nothing to do or won't automatically change the theme design. You would still need a coder for that.
7. Changing the look of the theme will definitely require code modifications.