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Thread: A few questions before i buy

  1. #1
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    A few questions before i buy


    I just have a few questions that need anwering before i press ahead as it were.

    1) Can the currency be changed to GBP EU etc?
    2) Is support available or can people help with the install of this onto a hosting platform?
    3) Is there an ability to modify designs i.e make space for advertising etc?
    4) are banners easily changeable?
    5) Can the colour scheme and different colours and pictures be added i.e if i had a toy classified site to make it more colourful etc?
    6) Is Classipress installed through your partner hosts host gator at the click of a button or does it involve uploading to FTps etc?

    Any help appreciated. THanks

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1) As you can see from the ClassiPress Admin demo, you can select your currency from the available options in the dropdown. This does not give the customer the option to switch currency in the front end though.

    2) Support for our themes is carried out here in the AppThemes forums and you can find installation instructions on our homepage. In terms of having someone install the theme for you though, you can opt to hire a developer from our Certified Partners page if you wish.

    3) Outside of the default advertising spaces, yes you are free to customize the theme if you want to add more spaces.

    4) Yes, the logo and header ad space images are configured from within the ClassiPress admin dashboard.

    5) If you wanted to customize the theme colours outside of the available options in the ClassiPress admin, then yes you can do this yourself if you want to.

    6) You need to have WordPress installed first, and then you will need to upload the theme files either via the WordPress dashboard or via FTP.

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