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Thread: Few Questions and Concerns > B4 I buy Script

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Few Questions and Concerns > B4 I buy Script

    Hi there

    I want to purchase the license for the ClassiPress, but I have a few questions before I do so.

    QUESTION #1:
    I am comparing the different editions atm; I do not understand the features below ( I am not a tech savvy guy ); which is included in the Ultimate Edition. Please help

    a. Includes Photoshop File (.psd) > whats this; is it important?

    b. WordPress MU Enabled > whats this; is it important?

    QUESTION #2:
    What is the maximum of sub categories that is allowed?

    for ex: autos & vehicles > how many sub under this category

    QUESTION #3:
    Can I have accounts for different admin users, if so; can I assign them or restrict them to different sections?

    QUESTION #4:
    My current hosting provider is 1 & 1; would I be able to have this script hosted there and have all the functions fully functional?

    QUESTION #5:
    Are there other add ons or plugins that I can use with this script, if so where can I find them ( such as rating, thumbs up, save ad or ad to wish list, etc)

    I appreciate if someone could help me regarding my questions and concerns!


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1: The .PSD files are very useful if you are looking to make design changes to the theme.
    WordPress MU, or WordPressµ, is the multi-user version of WordPress. It is ideal for people who want to set up a large network of blogs.
    You can read more about WPMU here

    2: There is no limit to the number of categories or subcategories which you can create, these are all created using WordPress functionality.

    3: This is a standard WordPress feature to allow you to create different account types, however if you want to assign specific rights to your administrators you may wish to use a role manager plugin to make access a little more detailed.

    4: I am aware of other customers who have mentioned using that particular host. Basically, if your hosting provider can run WordPress, which requires a web server such as apache, a mySQL database, and PHP, then AppThemes should work fine.

    5: Our resources page shows the plugins which are tested and recommended with our themes, and any outside of those are really up to the individual to try out. Like with any WordPress theme, not all plugins are going to be compatible but you can certainly test them out and discuss in our "Plugins Exchange" part of the forums once you are a customer..

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Pepsi; thanks for your quick response!

    I have one last Question!

    Lets say I purchase first the Small Business Edition to get a better fell of this Script; would I be able to upgrade it to other editions?

    If yes; would I have to pay the difference or the whole price?

    for example: Small Business Edition ( $99 ) > upgrade to Ultimate Edition ( $199 ) > I'll pay only $100

    * will I lose my my configured settings ( categories, sub - categories, price plans, etc ); when I upgrade?


  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes, you can upgrade at any time, and you only pay the difference in licence price (as opposed to paying the full amount).

    When you upgrade your licence it's like upgrading to a new version, so no, you don't lose your configuration settings.

  5. #5
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    thx pepsi



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