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Thread: A few questions before purchase

  1. #1
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    A few questions before purchase


    I have a few questions before I buy you theme,

    1. It appears that clipper is not responsive, I see there is a plugin for this, but do you plan on making clipper responsible in the near future?

    2. Store pages - is the store url (the one directly to the merchant in the description) a mandatory field? The reason I ask is, if a visitor clicks on it & makes a purchase, I will not get paid without my affiliate id built in.

    3. Is it possible to not have a store url base?

    4. When a store is added is it automatically added to the "view all stores" page?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanked 804 Times in 718 Posts
    1. As of Clipper v1.5 the theme is now responsive as indicated in the theme release changelog here.

    2. The "New Store URL" is a required field and the user will receive a "Please enter a valid URL" error if it is not completed when setting up the store.

    3. In the Clipper admin dashboard you can change the "Custom Post Type & Taxonomy URLs" and "Store & Coupon Redirect URLs" as shown here on the demo site.

    4. Yes it is.


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